Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things I Hate: TV Info-mercial Products

I thought that I would pay homage to the late Billy Mays, and highlight some of the products that he, so famously, promoted {and some that he(who could blame him?) did not.}

The Snuggie

What a ridiculous concept!!! If you are cold, and need the use of your arms, WEAR A SWEATSHIRT!!! You can be warm, with the added benefit of NOT looking completely stupid! I don't know offhand who designed these poncho-inspired-blanket-sweaters, but, really, these people should really, really, really go to fashion design school. Especially if they are calling their new patterns "designer" colors. Because, as you and I both know, fake-looking-leopard-print on cheap fleece can hardly be called a designer color. I am ASHAMED to say that I saw this product in Target the other day. Ashamed for Target, that is.

The Topsy Turvy

These hideously-patterned canvas planters are an eyesore. I kinda get the usefulness...after all, I have been to the Epcot exhibit that has all the beautiful veggies that are growing upside down.

But, did they have to make the actual container so darn UGLY!!! And do my neighbors really need three of them hanging from their front porch??? With NO...that's right, NO....plants suspended from them. No living plants anyway....the dead, wilted sticks that used to be tomato plants remain. What an attractive sight it is!! (Obviously, my neighbors either A) have a black thumb, or B) do not invest the same amount of time or energy into their "garden" as Epcot. I have a feeling that the answer is B....buying a Topsy Turvy is not a guarantee to healthy tomatoes!! Water is STILL required.

The Touch and Brush

Wow. I get tired of toothpaste on the counter, like every other mom. But I am not so naive to believe that this would be the answer to all my bathroom counter problems.Somehow, my kids would find a way to make a mess with this product. Not to mention, who wants to stick their toothbrush into the same little hole that everyone else's toothbrush has been in. It hardly seems sanitary. EW!

Mighty Putty

This product is just NOT even believable to me. I do not believe that this product will stop water leaks. And if you want to use it as a coffee mug handle, you should do so at your own risk. If you want to trust Mighty Putty to hold up a cup of scalding hot liquid from falling onto your lap...I would think you were pretty dumb.

Sorry! Just call them as I see them!

Not to mention, you can buy a brand new coffee mug from your friendly neighborhood Walmart for about a dollar.

You do the math...

$1.00 = brand new coffee mug with perfectly undamaged handle

$19.95 = broken coffee mug patched with a clay handle

Mighty Tape

From the makers of Mighty Putty...this product is possibly more believable in a pinch. But I don't think I would trust it to keep my oxygen supply free of water while Scuba Diving....

Just sayin'!!!

Space Bags

Do not work. Do. NOT. WORK. I bought one a few years ago (when I was younger and more naive!!), and attempted to store some things. Probably about half of the amount of things they try to show you in the info-mercial. The zipper would NOT stay closed. The air would not leave the bag. I found it to be an extremely frustrating experience.

Water Globes

This is one product that I MAY like to try. Not sure it would work, but, it is a nice concept.


Ah, Billy Mays. I have used many of the products in the Oxi-Clean line. But, the commercials are misleading. It does not whiten in a minute...

But, then again, my son's socks MAY BE a lost cause.

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