Saturday, September 5, 2009

Attn:Toilet Abuser....You Strike Again

Dearest Ava,

I have given you some time to meet compliance standards. You have, as of yet, refused to follow regulations; therefore, I feel we must revisit some of the Toilet Guidelines.

It is never acceptable to make a trip to a public restroom......just to see what it looks like. It looks like a restroom. And it is filled with germs. The public restroom is for emergencies ONLY.

(Emergency = Your internal organs are going to explode, or it is coming it or not.

Emergency does NOT = I just went to the bathroom at home 5 minutes before we got to the restaurant to have a nice meal, but I would like to see the bathroom, try the toilet out, but not actually go, forcing my mother to breathe in the noxious public restroom fumes that render her meal untouchable due to nausea.)

Please do NOT announce to the entire restaurant that you need to poop. No one needs to know. No one wants to know.

And WHY can't you HOLD IT TIL WE GET HOME!!!??????!!!!


Nauseous in the Ladies' Room (A.K.A.- Your Mom)


  1. Ugh...public bathrooms = disgusting!
    PS--Holy multiple entries, batman!!! (Guessing your internet connection was a little slow?) ;)

  2. Hey you!! Just wanted to let you know, I deleted the mulitple entries (I left the original) from when your internet was stuttering!! So, your fourth entry is still there, I just removed 5-13, I think! ;) Hope you had a fantastic Labor Day weekend!

  3. Thanks for checking up on us. I'm working on a post as we speak!

  4. I had to laugh out loud at this. I am SO with you. What is so interesting about gross toilets to kids anyway?

  5. Somebody else's kid does this too?! My daughter used to love using/was fascinated with the porta-potties out at my son's baseball fields.

  6. She must really like public bathrooms!! Maybe just to spite you?? ;)
